Monday, October 29, 2012

Platypus of Truth - 3

Here is the third and so far final strip I made with James Harrington.

CLICK HERE to view the first strip.
CLICK HERE to view the second strip.

We'll see if there is enough interest in pursuing this series.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Comic That May Never Be (Platypus of Truth 1)

Over a year ago, I was inspired by my friend James Harrington to create a webcomic.  I don't mean that he urged me to create a comic, I was inspired by his writings and blog title to create a comic for which I coxed him to join me.  Thankfully he loved the idea and threw tons of material at me, unfortunately I was unable continue working on it due to life/work getting busy and distracting.   I was able to draw up at least 3 comic strips and will be sharing them for the next 3 posts.  These were all drawn a year ago and the first 2 are really rusty, in regards to my drawings.  By the third strip, I was finally getting a better handle on how to draw this comic.  These have been gathering digital dust on my hard drive, so I thought it wouldn't hurt to share them with the world.  If there is enough interest, maybe James and I can find a way to produce this series.
For now, here is the first (crudely drawn) strip of The Playtypus of Truth:

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Honeybear Update

I realize I'm way behind in posting an update on the Detective Honeybear and the Mystery of the Terrible Llamas.
Incase you haven't already heard, the Kicktstarter was a complete sucess!  Not only did we reach our goal, but we also have enough now to help us start a 3rd book!  THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR DONATIONS!
These days, I am working hard to get all the pages for Terrible Llamas finished.  It's taking a lot of time, but that's because I'm really trying to make this the best comic I've drawn so far.  Since there is an expectant audience (something I've never experience before) I want this to look really good for them.  Here is some of my conceptual sketches of the title features critters.
Hopefully, I'll have another update on this by early November.
Back to work!